7 years after Rachel Corrie
I came across this article today Corrie was killed by an Israeli bulldozer while trying to protect Palestinian homes. Her family has been met with hostility while pursuing a civil suit after calling the investigation a 'whitewash.' source - http://www.latimes.com/news/nation-and-world/la-fg-israel-corrie-lawsuit30-2010mar30,0,3914948.story I remembered getting forwards about this incident and this being on the forefront of the international news for some time. But didn't know that this was still on until I read the article. During a search over the net , I came across various articles on Rachel, including ones that call this case does not tell the truth. Amazing how everything is twisted till anyone trying to follow it later is thrown off track by all sorts of material on the net. Hope there is some outcome from all this for the sake of her family.