Father's day 2010
Others may have celebrated Fathers day on 20th of June this year according to the Gregorian calendar. But Father's day for me is today! The day I became a father for the first time. I can still feel the bliss I felt when I looked at my daughter for the first time and got to hold her. It has been 5 years now since the day but the thought of it still gets me smiling and all warm inside. Mashaallah. I was a little tensed up that day with some confusion going on at the hospital. (Well, that's another long story) And the doctor was moving my wife to the operation theater. My wife, as she is going, tells me that we should name her Taheyya if it is a girl. She just had that name pop in her mind and she liked it since it rhymed with my mother's nickname/ "ommana peeru". After about an hour and a little more, the nurse came out with my daughter wrapped in the white sheet. She was looking wide eyed and held a steady gaze at me. She was all pink and looked heavenly. The nu...