
Showing posts from July, 2011

New blogger interface

And finally, I see the new blogger interface for my account. I was wondering about why it was taking so much time to get onto the new interface. If I remember correct, blogger had started to move members to the new platform a couple of months ago. It was even more surprising since I was seeing almost daily changes on the Gmail and the Google+ interfaces. Almost started to think that blogger had forgotten all about me. Well, not a very regular blogger, but then who doesn't like a new toy to play with ;) Anyways, the new interface takes along the minimalistic approach of Google. I liked what I see. Of course I have not seen most of the features. But then I get the feeling that I am going to be liking it. I hope we get similar features on the mobile blogger app on android too.

London in panaroma

Here are a few snaps that I took last weekend. It was my first visit to London.

On the train in London.

Two things impressive on this journey. Trains on time. and the wi-fi. I am impressed each time I see the trains arrive and depart at such exact times as 15:52 etc. So cool. It may be a normal thing for Europeans but to me, it is really impressive. Last time I was waiting for the train at Coimbatore with a arrival time of 11:00 pm at night, the train was on time. It pulled in at the platform at 11:15. That IS "ontime" in India believe me. The other thing wi-fi. Technology never ceases to amaze me and today I was having a video call with my family in India and showing them the countryside as the train was passing by!