Intrepid Ibex

While I was away... (I was out of touch for a long time from the linux world) there was another release of Ubuntu. It is named Intrepid Ibex. This version was released in October '08. Hope to be catching up with this soon. Or should I be sticking to Heron? Heron will be supported for longer. Hmm, if I don't find something seriously interesting in Ibex, I think I will just go with Heron.

So whats Intrepid?
resolutely fearless; dauntless: an intrepid explorer.

and what's an Ibex?
n.   pl. ibex or i·bex·es 
Any of several wild goats of the genus Capra, especially C. ibex,native to mountainous regions of Eurasia and northern Africa and having long, ridged, backward-curving horns.

-- definitions from

You can find more about the Ubuntu releases at the Wikipedia link


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