Google Android kill switch

The day before I noticed an application named "ON smarter address book" showing up in my notifications as finished installing. I have no clue how this application got installed on my mobile. This was the first time I was seeing this app in the market place. Not sure if my tinkering with the android caused this, but I was very puzzled. Surely, the tinkering my 5 yr old daughter does on my phone would not have done the install?!!

I had read about google using the "kill switch" on some applications but is it possible to install any remotely? Yes, but that was only possible if someone used my online google account and installed some application on my mobile. This was getting weirder by the minute. On top of this, I realized that a couple of applications, mainly free trial kids games, were missing from my phone. Ok. that would surely have been the kill switch. But there was no way of finding out. I can probably understand Google's decision to quickly remove any malicious app from the market AND from MY phone, but couldn't they at least leave a log somewhere, even in the market place, to let me know what they removed from my phone? Well, big brother knows best I guess!


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