
Showing posts from August, 2007

Back to Kubuntu

As I thought, I am back on Kubuntu :-( I really liked what I saw with SUSE 10.2 but, somehow I couldn't get my display drivers configured correctly. Incidentally, the work at office was also piling up so couldn't go into the issue. BUT, I promise myself to look into it as soon as I have time. In the meantime, I have loaded Kubuntu. Configured most of my applications as I wanted it. With Kubuntu, Firefox, evolution, gimp are not default as with ubuntu. But, installing these have been extremely simple. When I get time, I will be back to try out more with SUSE. I seem to line Kubuntu better than Ubuntu. Base difference of course, being KDE rather than the Gnome. I have also got Nvidia drivers and beryl running, which adds glitter to the interface. Updating the system for the first time from the repositories. This is taking a while.

Ubuntu works like a charm

In the recent times, I have been quite fascinated with Linux flavours. In college I had tried out installing RHEL (Red Hat Linux), Debian, FreeBSD etc to try them out. But eventually threw them out and settled with Windows. But off late, the ease of use of Ubuntu caught my attention and I installed it as a secondary Operating System(OS) in my home. My experience with Ubuntu so far has been very good. If not great. I must confess that I am not a power Linux user. So the Linux version, or any OS in fact, that I use should have a considerable amount of user interface for administration. And as little administration as possible. I can manage most configurations even if they warrant file editing. But need the help to be sufficiently detailed. A great part of Ubuntu is the installation. You get to try the OS even before the installation is done. The LiveCD concept really rocks! I was able to view documents, check mail, watch clips, well do just about anything without even installing the OS. ...

Fancy stuff for Graphics card (Nvidia) and Beryl

Found some help on Nvidia and Beryl... Nvidia - Beryl - Hope my hardware is supported and works... Tomorrow I try some fancy stuff.

Getting openSUSE up

I have been tinkering around with the installation I did in the morning, and did something wrong. My session would not start. I tried lots of stuff and could not get back on track. I have a nagging feeling that by tomorrow, I would be back on Ubuntu . Or rather Kubuntu . But before that, I want to try SUSE once more.. So I am back re-installing it. Lets see how this installation goes.. This time, in the software installation part, I could not get the selection according to my preference. I mean not the way I wanted it at least. I tried to remove the default java compiler and replace it with sun 1.5 (actually I wanted 1.6 but it is not listed). After selecting 1.5, the openoffice showed some dependency and would not correct it. So I have asked the setup of openoffice to be ignored. Hope I can correct it once the installation has been completed. Another advantage of Ubuntu seems to be the amount of literature found on the Internet. Simply amazing!!! Alright! This time my installation...

Trying out openSUSE 10.2

I have been using Feisty for about two to three months now and hoped to try out SUSE on a collegues suggestion. I still have Ubuntu on my home machine. And hope to try out openSUSE at office. Got my hands on the DVD of LFY (Linux for you) Jan 2007 edition. They have provided a DVD of openSUSE. I tried it quite a few times on Saturday (25 Aug) but failed to load because of a problem with the package check. It said that the integrity check on some files on the DVD failed. On Monday(27 Aug) I got my hands on another copy of the DVD, which unfortunately is giving similar errors. So I copied the DVD into an iso and wrote it onto a blank DVD. Surprisingly, this DVD carried on with the installation without much of a problem. In fact right now, the base installation is done and I am on the "Online Update" section of configuration. An advice to anyone who is trying to install openSUSE. There is an option to skip the section "Online Update". Please use it . I finished all the...

More on blogging ...

I found the following in wikipedia ... A blog (a portmanteau of web log) is a website where entries are written in chronological order and commonly displayed in reverse chronological order. "Blog" can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog. Blogs provide commentary or news on a particular subject such as food, politics, or local news; some function as more personal online diaries . A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, web pages, and other media related to its topic. The ability for readers to leave comments in an interactive format is an important part of many blogs. Link to the wikipedia page Great! So reading on blogs, I learnt what "portmanteau" meant. That is something the internet provides. Unlimited learning. You start with one and you end up with a load of information. I started blogging with a question to myself. "Can I give something back to the community?" I have happened to learn so much...

First post

Well, this is my first post on the blogging site. Thought I would try out blogging for the heck of it. I happened to go through a lot of blogs earlier while googling for info and thought that it may be a good idea to have a blog of my own. So I went ahead and created an account in blogger a couple of months back. Why the delay with the first post? Well, I have put in a lot of thought and was waiting for an inspirational subject. But then nothing happened. So i quit waiting for enlightenment. I may be just babbling but then... the experience is very different from traditional styles. In oral methods, conversations, debates, discussions, the topics and the "audience" is very well defined. With web content, it used to be informational matter. Blogging seems to be a mix of everything... a bit like diary writing, a bit like taking to yourself, a bit like writing a mail, a bit like everything else... Maybe slowly I will get the point, but not yet. So till then I think I will just ...