Getting openSUSE up

I have been tinkering around with the installation I did in the morning, and did something wrong. My session would not start. I tried lots of stuff and could not get back on track.

I have a nagging feeling that by tomorrow, I would be back on Ubuntu. Or rather Kubuntu. But before that, I want to try SUSE once more.. So I am back re-installing it.

Lets see how this installation goes..

This time, in the software installation part, I could not get the selection according to my preference. I mean not the way I wanted it at least. I tried to remove the default java compiler and replace it with sun 1.5 (actually I wanted 1.6 but it is not listed). After selecting 1.5, the openoffice showed some dependency and would not correct it. So I have asked the setup of openoffice to be ignored. Hope I can correct it once the installation has been completed.

Another advantage of Ubuntu seems to be the amount of literature found on the Internet. Simply amazing!!!

Alright! This time my installation went off well. I skipped the online update step. Hope this time my experience will be better.

Now I have booted the system and am effecting some changes...
First I need to get Java 6 running on my system...
So I need to add the following to yast... Got this tip from link

Protocol – HTTP
Server name –
Directory – download/Java:/addon:/test/openSUSE_10.2

This will take some time to download. But I hope to switch from java 1.5 to 1.6 in the same go.

Before doing an update, I am also adding the online repository to the software source.. this will give me the latest updates over the net. More info can be found here - openSUSE. I did not follow all the steps detailed in the site. I only added the server and folder location so that I can select the updated myself. I am assuming that the updates will be notified when available.
Caution : Adding the repository is taking quite some time... almost 1 hr. I don't know what it is doing other than that it is taking a lot of my time. Seems like a whole lot of language info too got downloaded.. at least the file names looked that way.

Going to update now.. This is going to take some time.


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