Ubuntu works like a charm

In the recent times, I have been quite fascinated with Linux flavours. In college I had tried out installing RHEL (Red Hat Linux), Debian, FreeBSD etc to try them out. But eventually threw them out and settled with Windows. But off late, the ease of use of Ubuntu caught my attention and I installed it as a secondary Operating System(OS) in my home. My experience with Ubuntu so far has been very good. If not great.

I must confess that I am not a power Linux user. So the Linux version, or any OS in fact, that I use should have a considerable amount of user interface for administration. And as little administration as possible. I can manage most configurations even if they warrant file editing. But need the help to be sufficiently detailed.

A great part of Ubuntu is the installation. You get to try the OS even before the installation is done. The LiveCD concept really rocks! I was able to view documents, check mail, watch clips, well do just about anything without even installing the OS. The installation detected all my hardware and was ready to go right from the start.

The installation steps were minimal. You only have some technical stuff coming in, in case you have to partition your hard disk, or Ubuntu is a second OS. If not then even this is taken care of. During the installation, I was able to connect to the Internet and check my mails even when the installation was going on. Isn't that cool??!!

I tried on Ubuntu 7.04, Feisty Fawn. Ubuntu has made me look at the Linux world once again. This time I see a marked difference. A difference which is making me look into other distributions of Linux too.


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