How fast time flies

I have been trying to get a few snaps of my kids together. The problem is to get them in front of the camera. They want to be behind it! Every shot I take, they are on their toes trying to get to me to see how the photo came out. :) I just cannot get them to sit and pose.

It was not like this with my elder one. A couple of years back, she would pose for the photos and would be really interested to be clicked. She was not concious of the camera and so taking the photos and videos were very easy compared to now.

I like to take snaps and keep them. Not as to display, but it feels nice to take these snaps out and view them. It feels very nice to see the old snaps, of my parents and grand parents. I hope some day others will look at these snaps and enjoy them. Thats where I appreciate the digital world. So easy to store and share.

It seems like so many years ago and yet just like yesterday. I am sure my parents would feel that same about me and my siblings. In fact, I am sure I have heard my mom say the same that I now say. "How fast time flies" "How fast time flies", "It only feels like yesterday!"


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