Twitter uses competitor platform for its status

Don't know if you are a user of Tumblr which is a platform somewhat similar to that of twitter. But differnt in many ways. Anyhow, they allow users to post content to their accounts in various formats like pics, links etc.

There were a few posts that I had read earlier this year which described tumblr to be a direct competitor to Twitter. And one which predicted that Tumblr was one of the things to watch out for this year(2010). I don't have these links with me immediately, so I will try to search and update later on if I find it.

Anyways, what was curious, is the level of interaction I find among competitors nowadays. They are often willing to use each others services and have no problems coming to terms with that. Contrast that with the followers of these services!! As one of my colleagues put in to intervene on a Linux Vs Microsoft fan tussle. He said, "You know,possibly Bill Gates and Linus would be sitting together and discussing business over coffee while you guys are fighting out over their respective products." I was one of the on-lookers that day and totally agree with that.

Just look at the case where Twitter's downtime or issue status messages are broadcast on Tumblr. Go to twitter status page, and you would notice the "Powered by Tumblr" at the bottom!

As long as there is excellent technology available, such collaboration or competition are most welcome! What say?


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