Internet in our lives

Sometimes we get carried away by whatever we are doing or what circumstances we are in that we assume that all the people in the world are in that very state of mind. We forget that circumstances and the associated choices are different for each and every person. As I write this piece, I am pulled into thinking about the darker shade of life that exists in the world. But for my own moods sake, I will ignore that for contemplation at a later time.

The reason for this line of thought, is my excitement in finding the various tools and possibilities in the internet era. I was so immersed in all the stuff around that I felt everyone was in the same page. It sure helped when I was able to add a comment on my friends facebook wall and pat, get a reply. Or when I would forget my password for an application, just click on the “forgot password” link and had the password sent into my mailbox in under a minute! Or have help or tutorials found for problems I was stuck with within 10 minutes. Oh the speed of things happening was sure carrying me away.

At about this time, I started to send mails involving my family and friends into this experience. While I was moving on with amazing speed with some of them, even had people responding over the blackberry and mobile devices, with others it was a totally different story. It sure felt like breaks applied onto a heavy vehicle! Screeeeeeech!!! The massive movement comes to a halt. I am yet to hear anything in reply from them. It got me thinking on how different people perceive the internet. I for one, went all out on the net and created the blog, went on tweeting, have my facebook updated and am basically trying to get deeper.

So does it mean that I am going to stop all these exploration and get back to being “normal”? Nope. I see this as normal too. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this. It was my expectations of others that needed some adjustment. And I stand corrected. :)

I am not the only one afflicted by all this stuff. My sis, who would check her mail infrequently, and would rely on the phone more to keep in touch, has increased her frequency to check mail. She acknowledges that facebook has been the reason for this.


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